Financial Results


Our goal is to make raw data publicly available in open data format as soon as it is approved for public release through other channels. Please check the Financial Statements.

Trust Funds

Annually, management asserts on the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting, which is integrated with the audit of the combined financial statements of all modified cash basis trust funds administered by the World Bank Group (collectively referred to as the "Single Audit").

Sustainability Reporting

The Bank is following the evolution of sustainability reporting to respond to the increasing demand from investors and other stakeholders for more transparency about climate and broader sustainability-related risks and opportunities.
Climate-Related Financial Disclosures 2023
Public Financial Disclosure:

The World Bank Group has a financial disclosure program to ensure that any conflicts of interest can be identified and managed in the best interests of the Bank Group.

The World Bank Group has a declaration of interests program to ensure that any actual, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest arising from staff members’ financial interests, business relationships, other private affiliations or outside activities, or those of their immediate family members, can be identified and managed in the best interests of the Bank Group. Staff members are required to complete and submit a confidential declaration of interests on an annual basis. The Bank Group’s Office of Ethics and Business Conduct administers the program in accordance with Principle 3 under the Principles of Staff Employment and Staff Rule 3.03, Financial Interest and Disclosure.

In the spirit and interest of good organizational governance and transparency, the declaration of interests program for the Bank Group’s Senior Management Team and Vice Presidents includes public disclosure of certain types of financial and other interests. Public disclosure of this information helps demonstrate to the Bank Group’s stakeholders that, in the discharge of their official duties and responsibilities, the Bank Group’s senior leaders are not, and do not appear to be, influenced by any consideration associated with their own private interests. The public declarations for the Bank Group’s senior leaders are accessible below.