Financial Results

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) was created in 1988 to promote foreign direct investment into developing countries to support economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve people’s lives. MIGA fulfils this mandate by offering political risk insurance and credit enhancement products to investors and lenders.

Condensed Balance Sheets
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As ofDecember 31,2024June 30,2024June 30,2023June 30,2022June 30,2021
Cash and Investments (including Derivatives)*2,4902,3102,1101,9771,918
Demand Notes and Other Assets222205244190151
Prepaid Premium567457438382377
Reinsurance recoverable, net499456478476501
Total Assets3,7783,4283,2703,0252,947
Derivative Liabilities*4---2
Unearned Premiums897732704620615
Other Liabilities176107143139109
Reserve for claims (gross)755698716726747
Total Liabilities1,8321,5371,5631,4851,473
Paid-in Capital366366366366366
Retained Earnings/ Accumulated Comprehensive Income (Loss)1,5801,5251,3401,1731,108
Total Equity1,9461,8911,7061,5391,474
Total Liabilities and Equity3,7783,4283,2693,0242,947
  • Expressed in millions of U.S. dollars.

Gross and Net Exposures
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Gross Exposure33986.0031543.00
Net Exposure10670.0010251.00
  • Expressed in millions of U.S. dollars.

Priority Area Development

FY23 FY24 FY25 YTD
No. of Projects374023
Percent of Total No. of Projects93%95%70%

Region Portfolio Composition

ECASSALACEAPMENASARRegional Development Bank
2024 Economic Capital Share24%35%10%5%13%10%2%
2025-Q2 Economic Capital Share17%33%15%5%15%9%5%
2024 Share of Net Exposure22%39%16%5%10%6%1%
2025-Q2 Share of Net Exposure20%36%19%5%11%6%2%

Sector Portfolio Composition

InfrastructureFinancialOil Gas and MiningMASTrade Finance
2024 Economic Capital Share52%22%5%19%2%
2025-Q2 Economic Capital Share48%28%4%16%3%
2024 Share of Net Exposure42%39%4%12%4%
2025-Q2 Share of Net Exposure41%41%3%11%4%

Summary Income Statement
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For the period/fiscal year endedDecember 31,2024June 30,2024June 30,2023June 30,2022June 30,2021
Net Premium Income72131124116121
Investment Income (Loss)3812570(9)6
Miscellaneous Income30000
Total Income113256194108127
(Increase) Decrease in Reserves*(13)(1)12(4)8
Administrative expenses (including Pension Cost)(43)(74)(70)(65)(59)
Translation (Loss) Gain(2)(2)3(11)5
(Increase) Decrease in Reserves and Total Expenses(59)(76)(55)(81)(46)
Net Income551801392881
  • Expressed in millions of U.S. dollars.
  • Totals may not add up due to rounding.

Performance Indicators
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For the period/fiscal year endedDecember 31,2024June 30,2024June 30,2023June 30,2022June 30,2021
Guarantees Issued5088.008204.006446.004935.005199.00
Portfolio Runoff2645.004527.003028.003443.004836.00
  • Expressed in millions of U.S. dollars.

As ofDecember 31,2024June 30,2024June 30,2023June 30,2022June 30,2021
Gross Exposure33986.0031543.0027867.0024449.0022957.00
Net Exposure10670.0010251.009450.008991.009134.00
Reinsurance as a % of Gross Exposure66.8%65.6%64.6%61.9%59.2%
Administrative Expense to Net Premium Income Ratio54.5%57.0%56.2%55.9%48.4%
Risk Capital to Operating Capital Ratio57.6%54.2%56.8%61.0%61.1%
Concentration Ratio (Five Largest Exposures/Net Exposure)20.6%21.0%20.8%22.0%24.0%
  • Expressed in millions of U.S. dollars.