API Explorer
The World Bank Expenditures by Organizational Unit shows actual administrative expenditure spent at an aggregate organizational unit level.
Data Source: Annual Report – Organizational Information Appendices - World Bank Expenditures by Organizational Unit
The figures reported for each fiscal year represent the current organizational unit structure and may not always match the figures published in previous reports due to organizational changes and unit re-configurations. Additionally, these figures represent actuals as per management accounting and may differ from figures presented for financial accounting and reporting purposes that are in compliance with the United States' Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
Beginning in fiscal 2018, the budget and related expenditures related to changes in the non-salary staff costs recovery rate charged to units were moved from centrally-managed accounts to corresponding organizational units. This contributed to the decrease in centrally-managed accounts and programs in fiscal 2018 and corresponding increases in other units. The changes entailed increasing the non-salary staff costs recovery rate for Headquarters-appointed staff from 50 percent to 70 percent and introducing a recovery rate of 45 percent for country office–appointed staff so as to more accurately reflect unit and product costs.
Parameter | Value | Description | API FIELD NAME | Data Type |
Organizational Unit | Represents the aggregate of (i) individual units with budget accountability that are responsible for undertaking operational activities, and providing institutional, governance and administrative services; and (ii) income and expense categories such as grants, reimbursements, fees and others with assigned budgets. | organizational_unit | STRING | |
Vice Presidential Unit or Grouping | Represents individual vice presidential units or a grouping of units that are responsible for undertaking operational activities, and providing institutional, governance and administrative services under the leadership and direction of the senior management team. | vice_presidential_unit_or_grouping | STRING | |
Fiscal Year | Identifies the World Bank Group fiscal year, which is July 1 - June 30 (e.g., fiscal year 2009 represents July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009). | fiscal_year | NUMBER | |
Actuals (US$, Millions) | Presents the actual administrative expenses. | actuals_us__millions | NUMBER | |
Subtotals (US$, Millions) | Presents the total of one set of a group of actual administrative budget expenses. | subtotals_us__millions | NUMBER | |
Notes | Footnotes or additional clarifications for a specific line item. | notes | STRING | |
Resource ID | ID of the associated Resource | STRING | ||
Select | Fields that required E.g (fiscal_year|supplier_country|total_amount) | STRING | ||
Top | Number of records to fetch | NUMBER | ||
Skip | Skip the records from the ascending order | NUMBER |
Please Note:
- This API will support up to a maximum of 1000 records per request / page.
- The date format for all date fields should be DD-MMM-YYYY.
- Selection will allow for multiple parameters E.g (Country = India|Afghanistan).
- The filters for blank and non-blank should be IS NULL and IS NOT NULL E.g (Country = IS NULL, Country = IS NOT NULL)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('');
return response.json();
.then(data => {
// Do something with the response data
// console.log(data);
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error:', error);
import requests
url = 'https://datacatalogapi.worldbank.org/dexapps/fone/api/apiservice?datasetId=DS00035&resourceId=RS00034&top=100&type=json'
response = requests.get(url)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for 4XX and 5XX status codes
data = response.json() # Parse the JSON response
print(data) # Print the response data
except requests.RequestException as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
$url = 'https://datacatalogapi.worldbank.org/dexapps/fone/api/apiservice?datasetId=DS00035&resourceId=RS00034&top=100&type=json'
try {
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Get
# Print the response
Write-Output $response
} catch {
# Print error message if request fails
Write-Error "Error: $_"
require 'net/http'
url = URI('https://datacatalogapi.worldbank.org/dexapps/fone/api/apiservice?datasetId=DS00035&resourceId=RS00034&top=100&type=json')
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(url)
if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
puts response.body
puts "Error: #{response.code} - #{response.message}"
rescue StandardError => e
puts "Error: #{e.message}"
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var response = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync("https://datacatalogapi.worldbank.org/dexapps/fone/api/apiservice?datasetId=DS00035&resourceId=RS00034&top=100&type=json");
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("https://datacatalogapi.worldbank.org/dexapps/fone/api/apiservice?datasetId=DS00035&resourceId=RS00034&top=100&type=json");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String line;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
shell "curl -X GET https://datacatalogapi.worldbank.org/dexapps/fone/api/apiservice?datasetId=DS00035&resourceId=RS00034&top=100&type=json"
// Specify the URL you want to send the GET request to
$url = "https://datacatalogapi.worldbank.org/dexapps/fone/api/apiservice?datasetId=DS00035&resourceId=RS00034&top=100&type=json";
// Initialize cURL session
$curl = curl_init();
// Set the cURL options
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// Execute cURL session
$response = curl_exec($curl);
// Close cURL session
// Print the response
echo $response;
. import delimited "https://datacatalogapi.worldbank.org/dexapps/fone/api/apiservice?datasetId=DS00035&resourceId=RS00034&top=100&type=json"